What is 3DS 2.0?
3DS 2.0 is an addition to the online card payment security standards introduced in the EU. It’s designed to better protect against fraud and make genuine transactions easier.
Why are you introducing this?
Ticketmaster is one of many online retailers taking card payments who will introduce the new 3DS 2.0 system from September 2019.
How will it change the way I buy tickets?
Nothing will change in the way you buy tickets, but how you confirm yourself as the true payment card holder will change. This means you may now be asked for an additional proof that you’re the cardholder:
- This might come as a code sent as a text message to your mobile phone, which you enter on to the 3D secure screen. These text messages will come directly from your card issuer, not from Ticketmaster.
- If you’re using your mobile phone to make the purchase, you may verify yourself as the card holder through face recognition or fingerprint.
Do I need to do anything to prepare for this change?
Before September 14th 2019 you should contact your card issuer and make sure your details are up to date. Some of these details can probably be checked and corrected online, depending on the card you use.
Your mobile phone number will be the most important detail to check, but all details should also be accurate. This applies to all cards you use for on-line purchases.
What happens if I don’t get my authentication code or have difficulty checking out?
Please contact your card issuer directly – unfortunately we can’t help with any issues related to authentication of your payment via the 3DS system.
More information about 3DS 2.0.